Metadata Backups
Cloudback not only archives the entire git repository but also backs up GitHub-specific metadata. However, it's important to note that our ability to back up metadata is constrained by the limitations of the GitHub API.
Key points to remember:
Your GitHub Account is not included in the backup.
Your GitHub Organization is not backed up either.
It is critical to understand that the backup provided should not be regarded as comprehensive or all-inclusive.
What is included in the backup?
Here is the list of repository’s data in a backup archive:
A bare clone of a git repository.
A clone of a Wiki repository.
All Git LFS objects.
All Topics.
All Milestones.
All Labels.
All Issues.
All Projects.
All Commit Comments.
All Releases.
All Collaborators.
All Webhooks except secret tokens. Secret tokens must be set manually after restore.
All Pull Requests except pull-requests without commits between branches and pull-requests from forks.
Metadata is stored as a JSON file per data type in the same format we download it from GitHub. If you want us to add any additional metadata into a backup, please, let us know or just create a feature request and we will consider implementing it.
Metadata that is not included due to GitHub API restrictions
We can’t backup or restore this data because of GitHub limitations. Please let us know if there is a mistake or API is changed - we will fix it as soon as possible.
Deploy Keys: Not accessible by GitHub Apps integration API yet.
Autolinks: Not accessible by GitHub Apps integration API yet.
Environments: There is no API to get environment variable value.
Encrypted secrets: There is no API to get an encrypted value.
Forks: There is no API.
Watchers: There is no API.
Stargazers: There is no API.
Commit Statuses: There is an API, but it doesn’t allow to explore all statuses for a whole repository.
Deployments: There is no API to restore completed deployments.
Pull Requests without commits: due to an API restriction: validation is failing with a message
No commits between feature-branch and main-branch
.Pull Requests from forks: a source branch is located in the fork of the old repository. But a new repository is created during a restore process. There is no API that allows us to create a pull-request from an old repository fork into a newly created repository.
Discussions: There is no API to restore discussion categories.
ProjectV2: There is no API to restore views and columns.